RUDDER INDICATOR with alarm (English)
INDICATEUR DE BARRE avec alarme (Français)
ROERSTANDAANWIJZER met alarm (Nederlands)
(New 2019 model pics at bottom)
RUDDER INDICATOR Give you the position of the rudder until 2*110". The panel window light, power Led, alarm led, backboard and starboard Led's are all adjustable with the dimmer from zero to maximum. The panel is made of strong laminate (black), the layout is engraved (no paint) and the window is synthetic (not breakable like glass). The sensor can be just a common potentiometer (1kOhm) but a very long life one is included. Panel 12x12cm - 4.7x4.7 inch. 12 / 24Vdc.The arrow (needle) of the rudder indicator is not part of a fragile galvanometer like in common indicator but monted on a miniature dc servo motor. The instrument can be installed and works in any position and the arrow can show up to 110 degres on both side. The interne light can be dimmed from zero to maximum and the window is made of strong acrylic.
Before installation choose the right place in the dashboard of the while house in order to get a optimum view of the rudder indicator while steering. Install the 3 ways electric cable and connect the 1 K ohms potentiometer to it. The opposite end of the wire has to be connected to the point marked POT on the back side (see at bottom) of the instrument. Take care of the middle connection of the potentiometer which, needs as well to be connected to the middle connection of the point POT.
After this the power supply can be connected. When the needle of the instrument shows the wrong side, just inverse the two outside connections. This all should append with the power switch ON/OFF DIMMER in position off. This means turn carefully to the left until it clicks. First connect the negative (-) to the point marked by (-) and at last the positive (+) on the back side of the instrument. The installation of the potentiometer which is in fact the sensor of the instrument must be executed with care.
The ratio rudder-potentiometer can be approximately one (1). This means that both of them will mechanically follow the same angle. However, the gain adjustement (G) on the back side of the instrument makes it possible to tune the indicated angle. So even with a small ruder course, a big indicator angle can be read. The potentiometer should never have to sustain mechanical forces perpendicular to his axes or it will be mounted in line with the rudder shaft or with help of two pulleys with cranted belt. This way it can work for many years. A flexible junction of potentiomenter/shaft is also a good solution.
Watch that the shaft (axe) of the potentiometer never goes to the mecanic end of his course, otherwise it will block and maybe break. The needed course is only 220 degrees (110 Port / 110 starboard). To adjust the instrument on the zero position (middle) first block the rudder in his middle position and turn slowly the potentiometer until the arrow (needel) show the zero position. After this the potentiometer nut must be secured.The ALARM FUNCTION of the instrument gives a few possible failures with buzzer and the lowest left front red led.
- A possible failure in rudder potentiometer or wiring of it:
The needle goes completely to starboard or port or only stays at position zero. In this case any action of the steering wheel has no effect on the upper green and red LED's.
- Rudder potentiometer out of the middle position or worn out:
The arrow of the instrument goes only to one of the maximum (starboard or port) which gives an alarm sound and never goes anymore to the opposite side.
- intern failure of the instrument when:
Any action on the steering wheel lights on the upper starboard or port LED's or both of them. Another intern failure is also occurring with a permanent alarm sound.The light of the instrument is tuned on the way that with the dimmer on minimum position none of the upper LED's lights on. This is to prevent uncomfortable reading of the instrument by night navigation. Remark as well that by no hazard the needle only moves with a significant motion of the rudder itself, this of course to extend the life of the instrument. Back to the instuments list
INDICATEUR DE BARRE: Avec alarme modéle 2019 photos en bas
Vous donne la position exacte de la barre jusqu'à 2x110°. Le cadran, protégé par un verre synthétique incassable est éclairé de l'intérieur. De plus l'aiguille n'est pas supportée par un galvanomètre fragile classique mais par l'axe robuste d'un servomoteur miniature.
L'appareil comprend 2 indicateurs led, bâbord et tribord, et un contrôle de tension. Tous les voyants lumineux et l'éclairage du cadran sont réglables par le gradateur.Le senseur potentiométrique de 1kOhm, inclus, se connecte par un câble à trois conducteurs à l'arrièrre de l'instrument. Encastrable et mesurant 12x12cm (trou de 10x10cm), cet indicateur de barre peut s'alimenter par les batteries de bord 12 ou 24 volt.
Cet instrument est équipé d'une fonction alarme sonore et lumineuse qui peut indiquer une possible malfonction:
- Malfonctions du potentiomètre de barre de 1 KOhm ou potentiomètre décentré.
- Potentiomètre de barre défectueux ou fil le reliant à l'instrument déconnecté.
- Malfonction interne de l'instrument.
Retour à la liste des instruments
ROERSTANDAANWIJZER: met alarm (nieuwe 2019 model onder)
Geeft de exacte positie van het roer aan tot 2x110°. De verlichte aanwijzer, stuurboord, bakboord en voeding-indicatoren zijn alle te regelen door de dimmer.
Dit toestel werkt met een 1 kOhm , bijgeleverde potentiometrische sensor (drie draden).
Het geheel is in kunststof uitgevoerd (geen glas). Het toestel wordt gevoed door de accu's en is geschikt voor 12 of 24v boordinstallatie.
Dit toestel heeft meerdere alarm- functies. Zo als b.v. bij defecte bedrading (los), gebroken potentiometersensor... De naald is niet gemonteerd op een gewone fragiele galvanometer maar op de as van een robuuste microservomotor.De alarmfunctie van het instrument geeft mogelijke storingen aan:
- Storing in roer potentiometer of bedrading ervan.
- Potentiometer roer uit het midden of versleten.
- Interne storing van het instrument.
Een alarm wordt te kennen gegeven door een hoge pieptoon en door het oplichten van het rode onderste linker ledje.
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